By fully grasping the meaning of the text that you have already read, it makes the reading process easier. “Waqf e Mutlaq” is a stop sign that indicates to the reader to take a break and discontinue reciting a long passage for an instantaneous period. If one does not pause here, the entire meaning of this sentence will change drastically. Waqf e Laazim, which means to do so at any cost, binds the reader to stop reading at this point. Additionally, the verse shows that the message has been delivered completely in that sentence, so the narrator should review the verse, grasp its meaning and prepare for the following lines. The reciter must take a breath here before continuing reading. It represents a circle at the end of a Quranic line. In Arabic, this is known as the “Perfect Stop”. The “Waqf e Taam” marks the finish of a specific verse in Furqan e Hameed. Some of these symbols and indicators of the Sacred Manuscript are: ⃝ – The Conclusion of Verse